Basic psychological issues are related to the pathology of the three humors, as our mind is strongly connected to our inner energy. The mind and body are inseparably linked. The study of the mind, its structure and functions helps us to understand and facilitate healing. The Tibetan science of mind is well known from Buddhism, and its profound systems of cultivation. Here, the perspective will be medical, addressing mental issues from the physical, energetic, and spiritual perspective. This will include training on the nature of mind, thoughts, emotions and emotional blockages. More serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia are often believed to be connected to supernatural influences, where certain spiritual healing practices are used.

  • Mental retardation, behavior and personality disorders
  • Psychotic disorders
  • Dementia
  • Epilepsy and organic psychological disorders
  • Neurotic and psychosomatic disorders

This course will be conducted in English

  • Venue


  • Date/Time

    Self-pace to be completed within 6 months


All students must complete TibMET 1 & 2/ TTM 1 - Elements & Root Tantra or its equivalent to attend this course.

Certificate of Completion

Graduates who complete TibMET levels 1 through 7 are certified with a Sorig Khang International Diploma of Advanced Studies in Tibetan Medicine & External Therapies (DAS in TibMET) 

Graduates who complete TTM levels 1 through 5 are certified with a Sorig Khang International Diploma of Advanced Studies in Traditional Tibetan Medicine (DAS in TTM)

For full curriculum, please refer to our website:

A Certificate of Attendance in Psychiatry & Provocation Disorders will be granted by Sorig Khang Singapore upon completion of all lessons, and completion and passing grade of all quizzes and homework assignments in this course. Student must complete the content within six months of the start of the course.

Student Membership

For enrollment in our academic courses organized by Sorig Khang Singapore, all students are required to have a valid student membership.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • A message from Sorig Khang Singapore!

    • New Student Walkthrough

  • 2

    Lecture 1: Mar 8, 2023

    • Lecture 1 - Introduction to Psychiatry & Mental Wellness in Sowa Rigpa

    • Mind & Body Relationship

    • Test your learning #1

  • 3

    Lecture 2: Mar 9, 2023

    • Lecture 2 - Elemental Spirit Provocations

    • Test your learning #2

  • 4

    Lecture 3: Mar 15, 2023

    • Lecture 3 - Madness causing Spirits

    • Test your learning #3

  • 5

    Lecture 4: Mar 16, 2023

    • Lecture 4 - Spirits who cause Forgetfulness/Dementia

    • Test your learning #4

  • 6

    Lecture 5: Mar 22, 2023

    • Lecture 5 - Za Planetary Spirit Provocations/Epilepsy

    • Test your learning #5

  • 7

    Lecture 6: Mar 23, 2023

    • Lecture 6 - Naga Spirits Provocation/Leprosy: Part One

    • Test your learning #6

  • 8

    Lecture 7: Mar 25, 2023

    • Lecture 7 - Naga Spirits Provocation/Leprosy: Part Two

    • Test your learning #7

  • 9

    Lecture 8: Mar 29, 2023

    • Lecture 8 - Western Psychological perspective by Dr. Andreas Reimers

  • 10

    Lecture 9: Mar 30, 2022

    • Lecture 9 - Integrative healing & Conclusion

    • Conclusion_Remark

    • Test your learning #8

  • 11

    Next steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • Homework Submission

    • Final Quiz


Guest Teacher

Dr. Nyima Tsering

Dr. Nyima Tsering graduated from Men Tsee Khang Institute, India, by achieving ‘Kachup Degree’. Prior to joining Men Tsee Khang Institute, he studied Buddhist Philosophy and Dialect at Institute of Buddhist Dialectic for three years. During his tenure as Sowa Rigpa Medical Student, he attended three years successful classes of Unity in Duality, to enhance the inner knowledge of Eastern Inner Science of Mind and Phenomena and its Application organized Tarab Institute. Dr. Nyima Tsering is one of the founding members of the Sowa Rigpa International College at Kathmandu in Nepal, under the affiliation of Lumbini Buddhist University. At present, he is serving as the Principal of the same college besides being the chief Physician of Kunphen Tibetan Medical Centre at Kathmandu, Nepal. He is visiting faculty at Osaka Chinese Medical Practitioners, Japan. And given many presentation at various national and international seminar and workshops. During the misfortune disaster time of Earthquake in 2015, Dr. Nyima Tsering took active initiative in providing Free Medical Camps in and around remote areas of Kathmandu.

Guest Instructor

Dr. Andreas Reimers

After his medical studies Dr. A. Reimers worked in different psychiatric and psychosomatic clinics. In 1993 he started his own practice as neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist. He wrote on altered states of consciousness in different spiritual traditions for his doctoral thesis. For two decades he was doing research on healing rituals in Nepal, leading the project "Disease and Healing in Cultural Context“ at the University of Münster (Germany). Since 2007 he studied Sowa Rigpa under the guidance of Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, participating in several conferences and workshops. He gave lectures and published several articles on altered states of consciousness, traditional healing methods and spirituality.